Linux DevOps Automate Everything

My Packer Snap is again on the news!

I was invited to say some words for the launch of the public beta of

Myself, my blog and my Snap were again news on the official blog of Ubuntu - Ubuntu Insights



My blog and I were mentioned by the team of Snapcraft in “This week in snapcraft (WW21 2017)

In my tries, I have explored some ways of building snaps and Ubuntu is providing a new way to do it by launching

It seems that Ubuntu is in the right path with this one.

“If the use of SNAPs is snapping, the creation of SNAPs is snapcrafting.”


Terraform 0.9.6 and SNAPs

Another minor update on Terraform.

Some things to take a look:
[✓] New Provider: ovh
[✓] New Resource: aws_default_subnet
[✓] New Resource: aws_default_vpc
[✓] New Resource: aws_default_vpc_dhcp_options
[✓] New Data Source: aws_db_snapshot

With this release, I wanted to update my snapcrafts. I have updated my packer snap and I have also created a terraform updated snap.

Both were build by the servers that are linked to my github account.

computer:~$ snap find abacao
Name              Version  Developer  Notes  Summary
terraform-abacao  0.9.6    abacao     -      build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently
packer-abacao     1.0.0    abacao     -      Packer - Build Automated Machine Images

You can find the changelog for Terraform here

New Terraform 0.9.6 here


Releases from Hasicorp

Hashicorp is a DevOps tools making company.

They have been doing some interesting things to the DevOps space such as:

  • Vagrant: Creation and configuration of portable development environments
  • Packer: Create platform specific machine images for a single source
  • Terraform: Create, combine and manage infrastructure across providers
  • Vault: Centrally store, secure and control access to distributed secrets
  • Consul: Distrobuted highly available tool for service discovery, configuration and orchestration
  • Nomad: Cluster manager and scheduler to deploy applications across any infrastructure

Today, the current versions are:

  • Vagrant 1.9.5
  • Packer 1.0.0
  • Terraform 0.9.5
  • Vault 0.7.2
  • Consul 0.8.3
  • Nomad 0.5.6


Packer Snap at the top 10

My Snap Package adventure was nominated as one of the top 10 snap packages for the month of April.

You can find out mode in Ubuntu Insights Blog