Linux DevOps Automate Everything

Terraform 0.9.3

Minor update on Terraform but with interesting things added:


    New Resource: aws_api_gateway_method_settings [GH-13542]
    New Resource: aws_api_gateway_stage [GH-13540]
    New Resource: aws_iam_openid_connect_provider [GH-13456]
    New Resource: aws_lightsail_static_ip [GH-13175]
    New Resource: aws_lightsail_static_ip_attachment [GH-13207]
    New Resource: aws_ses_domain_identity [GH-13098]
    New Resource: azurerm_managed_disk [GH-12455]
    New Resource: kubernetes_persistent_volume [GH-13277]
    New Resource: kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim [GH-13527]
    New Resource: kubernetes_secret [GH-12960]
    New Data Source: aws_iam_role [GH-13213]

The pace of improving Terraform is quite high in the moment (more-less 11 days between releases).

Also, Packer is finaly at v.1 - Congrats Hashicorp!

Move from Bitbucket to Gogs

Had to made a change and move my very old Bitbucket repositories to my new Gogs Repository.

So, what to do if you want to keep the git history

git remote set-url origin https://new_repository.git
git push

And there you go!

Terraform talk

Just did my first technology talk.

It was yesterday in a DevOps meetup in Lisbon and the talk was about Terraform from Hashicorp.

It went well and I’m sharing my code and presentation in Github.

What is DevOps (now in Portuguese)

Some friends and even some called DevOps have issues to understand what is DevOps. Some only want to do code, other only want to do CI/CD, others think that DevOps is playing with Docker…

This video is from a pretty good DevOps in Portugal and shows a little bit what a DevOps should be able to do.


DevOps by Gustavo Homem - DevOps by Gustavo Homem

What is DevOps

There are several ways to look at the DevOps “brand” and even in my circle of collegues, there isn’t a a absolute true.

Found this on the web and looked pretty cool.

Four friends sitting round a table, one pips up and says "I want to work in DevOps"... The other three are seasoned IT professionals reply:

    So you want to be a UI developer?

    So you want to be a back-end developer?

    So you want to be a infrastructure administrator?

    So you want to be a network engineer?

    So you want to to be a security engineer?

    So you want to to be a database administrator?

    So you want to to be a support administrator?

Suddenly a consultant barges through the door and says: No, that's old-school and obsolete. Methods of continuous delivery means in-depth expertise in specific fields is no longer required, convergence is order of the day. He wants a role that synergies and leverages these, to deliver a paradigm shift. (Then proceeds to submit an invoice, followed by a quick exit stage left)!